# cnvrgv2 CLI

As data scientists, we use the terminal a lot to run experiments, write code, change parameters, and more.

The cnvrgv2 CLI tool was built to be simple and easy-to-use, so you can do what you love the way you know it, but faster and in a more organized fashion.

The cnvrgv2 CLI allows you to create and manage projects, run experiments, and more from the comfort of your terminal.

In this guide we will learn how to setup the cnvrgv2 CLI and explore the different commands it supports.

Guide content:

# Install cnvrgv2 CLI

The cnvrgv2 CLI is built with python.


  • python version 3.6 or higher
  • pip

    # Install options

    When on a self-hosted cnvrg environment, options need to be specified for the cnvrgv2 installation depending on the type of storage connected to the cnvrg environment, or if python3.6 is installed on your device.

    For Metacloud, no options need to be specified.

    Multiple options can be specified for the installation by adding options serperated by commas, options can be added to the installation command as follows:

    pip3 install "cnvrgv2[options]"

    Available options are:

    • azure - Install packages relevant for Azure storage client
    • google - Install packages relevant for GCP storage client
    • python3.6 - Install specific dependencies for python version 3.6

    # Authenticate with cnvrgv2 CLI

    # Login

    To authenticate with cnvrg use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 login

    Login command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --domain -d Text cnvrg domain/url starting from http/s, excluding the organization slug e.g. https://app.cnvrgdomain.com/
    --email -e Text User email
    --password -p Text authenticate using password
    --auth-token -t Text authenticate using the API Token
    --organization -o Text cnvrg organization, this can be used when the user is a memner of multiple organizations

    For Metacloud and self-hosted cnvrg environments with SSO authentication, The user's API Token must be used instead of the Password, with the flag --auth-token. the token can be retrieved from the user settings page, under API Token field:

    API Token

    Verify you are logged in

    You can verify you are logged in to your organization using following command:

    cnvrgv2 me

    Switch to a different organization

    In order to switch to another organization, use following command:

    cnvrgv2 config --organization=ORGANIZATION_NAME

    # Logout

    To deauthenticate with cnvrg use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 logout

    # Project commands

    # Create an empty project

    To create an empty cnvrg project, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project create --name=PROJECT_NAME


    'create' will associates the current working directory with the cnvrg project

    To create new cnvrg project, associate it with the current working directory, and upload the content of the current working directory to it, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project link


    Folder/file names must not contain special characters, which are - +?!@#$%&^*(){}[]

    To link or associate a local git directory with a git integrated cnvrg project, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project link-git

    Project link-git command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Project name
    --soft -s Boolean Don't link project if it's already linked

    # List projects

    To retrieve a list of the projects you have access to, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project list

    # Clone a project

    To clone a cnvrg project, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project clone


    By default, the project will be cloned into a directory with its name, and the directory will be associated with the cnvrg project.

    Project clone command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Project name
    --commit -c Text Project commit sha1
    --override -o Boolean Force clone the project even if is already exists
    --current_dir -d Boolean Clone into current directory

    # Sync a project with a local directory

    To synchronize the file changes of a local project with its corresponding cnvrg project, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project sync

    This command will download updated and new files from the cnvrg project, and then upload local file changes.

    Project sync command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --job-slug -j Text Slug of the job
    --git-diff -g Boolean Upload git changed files, files included in the output of the git diff command
    --message -m Text Commit message
    --output-dir -o Text The directory that will be synced inside the project


    Folder/file names must not contain special characters, which are - +?!@#$%&^*(){}[]

    # Upload files to a project

    To upload files or directories to a cnvrg project, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project put

    Project put command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Project name
    --files -f Text comma separated list of file and directory paths to upload. use . to upload the entire current working directory
    --dir -d Text Upload the files to a specific subdirectory in the remote project. For example, --dir /images will upload the files to the images folder. It will create the directory if it does not exist
    --force -fc Boolean Enable creating a new commit that is not related to the parent commit
    --override -or Boolean Enable re-uploading files even if they already exist in the project
    --git-diff -gd Boolean Upload git changed files, the files included in the output of the git diff command


    Folder/file names must not contain special characters, which are - +?!@#$%&^*(){}[]

    # Upload updated project files

    To upload all file changes in a local project directory to the cnvrg project, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project upload

    Project upload command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --git-diff -g Text Upload git changed files, files included in the output of the git diff command

    # Download updated project files

    To fetch latest commit into local project directory, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project download

    # Delete files from a project

    To delete files and directories from a cnvrg project, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project rm

    Project rm command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Project name
    --files -f Text Comma seperated list of files or directories. for example: cnvrgv2 project rm --files=folder/,file.py
    --message -m Text Commit message


    When specifying a directory name to be deleted, / must be added to the end of the directory name.

    # Delete a project

    To delete a cnvrg project, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 project delete --name=NAME

    # Dataset commands

    # Create a dataset

    To create a new dataset, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset create --name=NAME

    This command will associates the current working directory with the created dataset.

    # List datasets

    To retrieve the list of the datasets that you have access to, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset list

    # Clone a dataset

    To clone a cnvrg dataset, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset clone

    The dataset will be cloned into a directory with its name, and the directory will be associated with the cnvrg dataset.

    Dataset clone command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Dataset name
    --override -o Boolean Clone the dataset even if it already exist, to get missing and deleted files
    --cache-link -cl Boolean Use cached commit
    --commit -c Text clone a specific dataset commit (default is latest)
    --threads -t Integer Number of thread that will perform the clone process
    --query -q Text Query slug or title

    # Put dataset

    To upload files or directories to a cnvrg dataset, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset put

    Dataset put command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Dataset name
    --files -f Text Comma separated list of file and directory paths to upload. use . to upload the entire current working directory
    --dir -d Text Upload the files to a specific subdirectory in the remote dataset. For example, --dir /images will upload the files to the images folder. It will create the directory if it does not exist
    --force -fc Boolean Create a new commit with only the files included in the current upload.
    --override -or Boolean Upload every file specified, even if it already exists in the latest commit
    --git-diff -gd Boolean Upload git changed files, the files included in the output of the git diff command


    Folder/file names must not contain special characters, which are - +?!@#$%&^*(){}[]

    # Delete files from a dataset

    To delete files and directories from a cnvrg dataset, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset remove

    Dataset remove command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Dataset name
    --files -f Text Comma seperated list of files or directories. for example: cnvrgv2 dataset rm --files=folder/,file.py
    --message -m Text Commit message


    When specifying a directory name to be deleted, a / must be added to the end of its name.

    # Scan datasets

    To get the datasets located in the current working directory, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset scan

    # Upload updated dataset files

    To upload all changed and new files from a local dataset directory to the cnvrg dataset, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset upload

    Dataset upload command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --git-diff -g Text Upload git changed files, the files included in the output of the git diff command

    # Download updated dataset files

    To fetch latest commit into local dataset directory, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset download

    # Cache a dataset

    To cache a dataset commit, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset cache

    Dataset cache command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Dataset name
    --commit -c Text Dataset commit sha1
    --external-disk-title -d Text NFS name

    # Uncache dataset

    To uncache a dataset commit, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset uncache

    Dataset uncache command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Dataset name
    --commit -c Text Dataset commit sha1
    --external-disk-title -d Text NFS name

    # Verify dataset

    To verify that certain datasets in the current working directory have finished downloading, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset verify

    Dataset verify command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Datasets names seperated by commas
    --time-out -t Text Timeout in seconds


    • 'verify' command should be executed outside the dataset directory
    • command stays alive until all the datasets provided have finished downloading or until it times out.

    # Delete a dataset

    To delete a cnvrg dataset, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 dataset delete --name=DATASET_NAME

    # Workspace commands


    Workspace commands require the current working directory (or sub-directory) to be a linked to a cnvrg project

    # Create new workspace

    To create new workspace use following command:

    cnvrgv2 workspace create
    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --title -t Text Name of the workspace
    --templates -tm Text Comma separated list of compute templates. format is: resource_name.template_name, for example: --templates=ics.medium (default is taken from project's settings)
    --commit -c Text Project commit sha1 to be used, (default is latest)
    --notebook_type -nt Text Type of workspace to create. options are: jupyterlab, vscode, r_studio. (default is jupyterlab)
    --datasets -d Text List of comma separated datasets names to cloned to the workspace
    --volume -v Text Name of volume to attach to this workspace
    --image -i Text Image name and tag to create workspace with. format is - image_name:tag (default is taken from project's settings)
    --git-branch -gb Text The name of the git branch to pull files from, this option works only when the project is git integrated (default is taken from project's settings)
    --git-commit -gc Text The git commit to pull files from, this option works only when the project is git integrated (default is latest)
    --local_folders -lf Text Local folders to mount with workspace

    # Sync workspace file changes

    To sync file changes from workspace, use following command:

    cnvrgv2 workspace sync-remote --slug=WORKSPACE_SLUG

    # Start an existing workspace

    cnvrgv2 workspace start --slug=WORKSPACE_SLUG

    # Stop a running workspace

    cnvrgv2 workspace stop --slug=WORKSPACE_SLUG

    # Start tensorboard session in a workspace

    cnvrgv2 workspace start-tensorboard --slug=WORKSPACE_SLUG

    # Stop tensorboard in a workspace

    cnvrgv2 workspace stop-tensorboard --slug=WORKSPACE_SLUG

    # SSH into a workspace

    To establish an SSH connection to a workspace for access through your code editor or terminal, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 ssh start WORKSPACE_SLUG


    This command will require access to your cluster, with a kubeconfig file

    SSH start command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --port -p Integer SSH port number to bind on the host machine (user device)
    --username -u Text The username to ssh to inside the workspace
    --password -pw Text SSH password
    --kubeconfig -kc Text Full path to the kubeconfig file for the cluster hosting the workspace pod


    • By default the ssh start command uses the default kubeconfig file (located at $HOME/.kube/config), or the file pointed at by the $KUBECONFIG environment variable.
    • default port value is 2222, and the default username value is root. If not specified, the password will be generated randomly.

    # Experiment commands


    The experiment commands require the current working directory to be a local cnvrg project directory(or sub-directory)to work.

    # Run an experiment

    To run an experiment in a cnvrg project, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 experiment run --command=COMMAND

    If only the experiment run command was specified the project's default image and compute template will be used to run the experiment.

    Experiment run command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --title -t Text Experiment title
    --templates -tm Text A comma separated list of template names
    --local -l Boolean Run experiment locally
    --command -c Text The command that will run in the experiment
    --image -i Text The name and tag of the image that will be used to run the experiment. image value format: IMAGE_NAME:IMAGE_TAG
    --datasets -d Text A comma separated list of the slugs of dataset that will be used by the experiment (unique identifier of the dataset, can be taken for the ending of the dataset's url. for example: domain.com/organization/datasets/my-dataset). Example: cnvrgv2 experiment run -c 'python3 mnist.py' -d '[{"slug": "my-dataset"},{"slug": "my-dataset2"}]'
    --volume -v Text A volume name that will be attached to the experiment
    --sync-before -sb Boolean Enable Syncing the local project with the cnvrg project before running the experiment (default is true)
    --no-sync-before -nsb Boolean Disable Syncing the local project with the cnvrg project before running the experiment
    --sync-after -sa Boolean Enable Syncing the local project with the cnvrg project after running the experiment (default is true)
    --no-sync-after -nsa Boolean Disable Syncing the local project with the cnvrg project after running the experiment
    --git-branch -gb Text The name of the git branch to pull files from, this option works only when the project is git integrated
    --git-commit -gc Text The git commit to pull files from, this option works only when the project is git integrated
    --output_dir -od Text Output folder for cnvrg to track experiment artifacts
    --grid -g Text Path to yaml file outlining the parameters to be run as gridsearch (example bellow)
    --local_folders -lf Text Local folders to mount with experiment
    --log -log Boolean Display log of local experiment
    --wait -w Boolean Wait for local experiment to complete and return the exit status of the experiment
    --project-slug -ps Text Enables running an experiment without the need to perform a project clone before (must add flag --no-sync-before when used)


    Options log and wait are only applicable for local experiments

    Example YAML file for grid searches:

        - key: "learning_rate"
          type: "discrete" # An array of numerical values
          values: [0.1, 0.01]
        - key: "kernel"
          type: "categorical" # An array of string values
          values: ["linear", "rbf"]
        - key: "epochs"
          type: "integer"
          min: 10 # inclusive
          max: 20 # not inclusive
          scale: "linear"
          steps: 2 # The number of linear steps to produce.

    # Download the output artifacts of an experiment

    To download the output artifacts of an experiment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 experiment pull-artifacts --slug EXPERIMENT_SLUG 

    Experiment pull-artifacts command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --slug -s Text Experiment slug
    --project-slug -ps Text Enables running a command without the need to clone a project first
    --commit -c Text The sha1 of the commit that contains the artifacts (default is the end commit)

    # Upload output artifacts to an experiment

    To upload and save files and directories as output artifacts of an experiment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 experiment log-artifacts --slug=EXPERIMENT_SLUG

    Experiment log-artifacts command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --slug -s Text Experiment slug
    --files -f Text Comma separated list of file and directory paths to upload. use . to upload the entire current working directory
    --git-diff -g Boolean Upload git changed files, the files included in the output of the git diff command

    # Upload image output artifacts to an experiment

    To upload and save image files and directories as output artifacts of an experiment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 experiment log-images --slug=EXPERIMENT_SLUG

    This command exclusivly uploads image files, and ignores other files types.

    Experiment log-images command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --slug -s Text Experiment slug
    --files -f Text Comma separated list of file and directory paths to upload. use . to upload the entire current working directory

    # Log a paramater to an experiment

    To log a parameter as an experiment tag, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 experiment log-param --slug=EXPERIMENT_SLUG --key=KEY --value=VALUE

    # Merge artifacts into project

    To merge commit created from an experiment into project master branch, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 experiment merge-to-master --slug=EXPERIMENT_SLUG

    Experiment merge-to-master command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --slug -s Text Experiment slug
    ---commit -c Text Commit sha1 to merge

    # Start tensorboard in an experiment

    To start the tensorboard in an experiment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 experiment start-tensorboard --slug=EXPERIMENT_SLUG

    # List all experiments in the project

    To get a list of all of the experiments in the project:

    cnvrgv2 experiment list --project-slug PROJECT_SLUG

    Experiments list command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --project-slug -ps Text The slug of the project
    --chunk-size -cs Integer Number of experiments to display at a time
    --limit -l Integer Maximum number of experiments to display

    # Stop tensorboard in an experiment

    To stop the tensorboard in an experiment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 experiment stop-tensorboard --slug=EXPERIMENT_SLUG

    # Delete an experiment

    To delete an experiment, use following command:

    cnvrgv2 experiment delete --slug=EXPERIMENT_SLUG

    Experiment delete command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --slug -s Text Experiment slug
    --delete_artifacts -d Boolean Delete related artifacts from the storage (default is false)

    # Flow commands


    Flow commands require the current working directory (or sub-directory) to be a linked to a cnvrg project

    # Create new flow

    To create new flow use following command:

    cnvrgv2 flow create --yaml-path=PATH_TO_FLOW_YAML

    Example YAML file for flow:

    flow: Sentiment Analysis
    recurring: 0 0 * * 1 Asia/Jerusalem
    - input: python3 train.py
      - key: epochs
        type: categorical
        min: 0
        max: 0
        scale: linear
        steps: 0
        - '5'
        - '10'
      - key: batch_size
        type: categorical
        min: 0
        max: 0
        scale: linear
        steps: 0
        - '128'
        - '256'
      - large
      image: cnvrg:v5.0
      description: Train
      type: exec
      algorithm: GridSearch
      queue_slug: c9rlzkv5zazkdyxg7esg
      title: Train
      conditions: []
      commit: 5dd42b08460dae46456ca6e3cf9db621b59e67b6
    - title: Sentiment API
      description: Sentiment API
      - target: 0.0
        objective: max
        tag_key: test_accuracy
        value: ''
      type: deploy
      confirmation: false
      kind: webserver
      endpoint_title: sentiment-service
      function_name: predict
      file_name: predict.py
      env_setup: python_3
      min_replica: 1
      max_replica: 1
      local_folders: []
      accept_files: false
      - medium
      image: cnvrg:v5.0
    - from: Train
      to: Sentiment API

    # Endpoint commands


    Endpoint commands require the current working directory (or sub-directory) to be a linked to a cnvrg project

    # Create new endpoint

    To create new endpoint use following command:

    cnvrgv2 endpoint create --title=TITLE --file_name=FILE_NAME --function_name=FUNCTION_NAME -stmOn

    Endpoint create command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --title -t Text Name of the Endpoint (required)
    --file_name -f Text The file containing the endpoint's functions (required)
    --function_name -fn Text The name of the function the endpoint will route to (required)
    --templates -tm Text Comma separated list of compute templates. format is: resource_name.template_name, for example: --templates=ics.medium (default is taken from project's settings)
    --kind -k Integer Kind of endpoint to create. options are: Webserver = 0, Kafka = 1, Batch = 2, Triton = 3, Tensorflow = 4, RabbitMQ = 5 (default is 1)
    --env_setup -e Text The interpreter to use. options are: python_2,python_3,pyspark,r_endpoint
    --kafka_brokers -kb Text Comma separated list of kafka brokers
    --kafka_input_topics -kit Text Comma separated list of kafka input topics
    None -stmOn No value Does endpoint returns stream output
    None -stmOff No value The endpoint does't returns stream output
    --args -a List Additional arguments can be sent in a list. for example: --args=[image_slug=SLUG, commit=sha1]
    Options for args are: image_slug=string(slug of the image to be used), commit=string(sha1 of project commit), prep_file=string(preprocess file), prep_function=string(preprocess function), input_file=boolean(endpoint accepts files as input), prep_function=string(preprocess function), min_replica=integer(number of min pods), max_replica=integer(number of max pods), desired_percentage=integer(Canary deployment percentage),gunicorn_config=array(key:val),flask_config=array(key:val),nginx_config=array(key:val),models_config_file=string(Tensorflow serving config file path), models_folder=string(Triton server models folder path),rabbitmq_host=string(RabbitMQ host IP), rabbitmq_input_queues=array(RabbitMQ input queues), rabbitmq_output_queue=string(RabbitMQ output queue),rabbitmq_user=string(RabbitMQ login user), rabbitmq_password=string(RabbitMQ login password), rabbitmq_exchange=string(RabbitMQ exchange), rabbitmq_prefetch=integer(RabbitMQ prefetch count), model_id=string(name od the model), command_arguments=object(key value of parameters)


    These options, -stmOn and -stmOff, are flag options and should not be accompanied by any values. Please refer to the code example provided above for usage guidance. Stream output is supported only at web service endpoints.

    # Get endpoint predictions:

    Get last 50 predictions made by the endpoint:

    cnvrgv2 endpoint get-predictions --slug=ENDPOINT_SLUG

    Endpoint get-predictions command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --slug -s Text Endpoint slug
    --start_time -st Text The start time of the predictions to return
    --end_time -et Text The end time of the predictions to return
    --offset -o Text The offset of the predictions to return
    --size -si Integer Number of predictions to return (default is 20)
    --model -m Text The endpoint model number to query

    # Add logs to endpoint:

    Add logs to running endpoint using following command:

    cnvrgv2 endpoint logs --slug=ENDPOINT_SLUG --logs="new log added"

    Endpoint logs command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --slug -s Text Endpoint slug
    --logs -l Text Comma separated list of logs to write to endpoint
    --log_level -lv Text Level of the logs. options are: output, error, warning, info (default is output)

    # Log metrics to endpoint:

    Add metrics to running endpoint using following command:

    cnvrgv2 endpoint log-metric --slug=ENDPOINT_SLUG --name=METRIC_NAME --x=X_VALUE --y=Y_VALUE

    Endpoint log-metric command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --slug -s Text Endpoint slug
    --name -n Text The metric name
    --x -x Text Metric x value
    --y -y Text Metric y value

    # update endpoint version

    To update a running endpoint, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 endpoint update --slug=ENDPOINT_SLUG -stmOff

    Endpoint update command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --title -t Text Name of the Endpoint (required)
    --file_name -f Text The file containing the endpoint's functions (required)
    --function_name -fn Text The name of the function the endpoint will route to (required)
    --templates -tm Text Comma separated list of compute templates. format is: resource_name.template_name, for example: --templates=ics.medium (default is taken from project's settings)
    --kind -k Integer Kind of endpoint to create. options are: Webserver = 0, Kafka = 1, Batch = 2, Triton = 3, Tensorflow = 4, RabbitMQ = 5 (default is 1)
    --env_setup -e Text The interpreter to use. options are: python_2,python_3,pyspark,r_endpoint
    --kafka_brokers -kb Text Comma separated list of kafka brokers
    --kafka_input_topics -kit Text Comma separated list of kafka input topics
    None -stmOn No value Does endpoint returns stream output
    None -stmOff No value The endpoint does't returns stream output
    --args -a List Additional arguments can be sent in a list. for example: --args=[image_slug=SLUG, commit=sha1]
    Options for args are: image_slug=string(slug of the image to be used), commit=string(sha1 of project commit), prep_file=string(preprocess file), prep_function=string(preprocess function), input_file=boolean(endpoint accepts files as input), prep_function=string(preprocess function), min_replica=integer(number of min pods), max_replica=integer(number of max pods), desired_percentage=integer(Canary deployment percentage),gunicorn_config=array(key:val),flask_config=array(key:val),nginx_config=array(key:val),models_config_file=string(Tensorflow serving config file path), models_folder=string(Triton server models folder path),rabbitmq_host=string(RabbitMQ host IP), rabbitmq_input_queues=array(RabbitMQ input queues), rabbitmq_output_queue=string(RabbitMQ output queue),rabbitmq_user=string(RabbitMQ login user), rabbitmq_password=string(RabbitMQ login password), rabbitmq_exchange=string(RabbitMQ exchange), rabbitmq_prefetch=integer(RabbitMQ prefetch count)

    # Rollback to previous endpoint version:

    To rollback to a previous endpoint model,use following command

    cnvrgv2 endpoint rollback --slug=ENDPOINT_SLUG --version_slug=VERSION_TO_ROLLBACK_TO

    # Start an existing endpoint

    To start an existing endpoint which is currently offline, use following command:

    cnvrgv2 endpoint start --slug=ENDPOINT_SLUG

    # Stop a running endpoint

    To stop a running endpoint, use following command:

    cnvrgv2 endpoint stop --slug=ENDPOINT_SLUG

    # Registry commands

    # Create a registry

    To create a registry in the cnvrg environment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 registry create

    Registry create command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --title -t Text Registry title
    --url -u Text Registry url
    --type -rt Text Registry type. options are: cnvrg, dockerhub, gcr, acr, ecr, nvidia, other
    --username -us Text Registry username, required for private registries
    --password -ps Text Registry password, required for private registries

    # Get a registry

    To retrieve information about a registry, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 registry get --slug=REGISTRY_SLUG

    Output will include the registry slug, title, url, username, type, and whether it's private or not.

    # List all registries

    To retrieve all the registries in the cnvrg environment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 registry list

    # Update a registry

    To update or modify a registry, use the following command with the required combination of options corrosponding to the fields you want to modify:

    cnvrgv2 registry update --slug=REGISTRY_SLUG --title=NEW_TITLE --url=NEW_URL

    Registry update command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --title -t Text Registry title
    --url -u Text Registry url
    --username -us Text Registry username
    --password -ps Text Registry password

    # Delete a registry

    To delete a registry from the cnvrg environment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 registry delete --slug=REGISTRY_SLUG

    # Image commands

    # Create an image

    To create an image, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 image create --registry=REGISTRY_SLUG --name=IMAGE_NAME --tag=IMAGE_TAG

    Image create command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --name -n Text Image repository name
    --tag -t Text The image tag
    --registry -r Text The slug of the registry that the image will be added to
    --logo -l Text Logo name
    --custom -c Udr custom image (requires using the --dockerfile option)
    --readme -rd Text Readme file path for the image
    --dockerfile -df Text Dockerfile path to build a custom image

    Ai Studio supports choosing one of the following logos for an image view:

    Logo name Logo image Logo name Logo image Logo name Logo image
    keras tensorflow sklearn
    python r xgboost
    bash s3 spark
    opencv pytorch vgg
    cnvrg mxnet tensor_rt
    rapids nvidia

    # Get an image

    To retrieve information about an image using its slug, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 image get --slug=IMAGE_SLUG

    To retrieve information about an image using its name and tag, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 image get --name=IMAGE_NAME --tag=IMAGE_TAG

    # List all images

    To retrieve all the images in the cnvrg environment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 image list

    # Update an image

    To update or modify an image, use the following command with the required combination of options corrosponding to the fields you want to modify:

    cnvrgv2 image update --slug=IMAGE_SLUG 

    Image update command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --slug -s Text Image slug
    --logo -l Text Logo name
    --readme -rd Text Readme file path for the image

    # Delete an image

    To delete an image using its slug, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 image delete --slug=IMAGE_SLUG

    To delete an image using its name and tag, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 image delete --name=IMAGE_NAME --tag=IMAGE_TAG

    # Members commands

    # Add a new member

    To add a member to the cnvrg environment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 members add --email=MEMBER_EMAIL --role=MEMBER_ROLE

    Members add command options

    Option Short option Value Type Description
    --email -e Text Member email
    --role -r Text Member role, role values: admin, manager, member (corresponds to data scientist role), or reviewer


    Admin permission is required in order to add new members

    # list all members

    To retrieve all the members in the environment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 members list

    # Revoke a member

    To remove or revoke a user's membership to the organization, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 members revoke --email=MEMBER_EMAIL


    Admin permission is required in order to revoke user membership

    # Update the role of a member

    To update the role of a member in the cnvrg environment, use the following command:

    cnvrgv2 members update --email=MEMBER_EMAIL --role=NEW_ROLE


    Admin permission is required in order to update user membership

    Last Updated: 9/24/2024, 2:27:51 PM